Thoughts on Depression

Depression doesn’t just steal your future and your present; it colors everything gray. It steals the happy moments and leaves the bad, turning good memories into distant illusions. You never really get them back, not the way they were before. Depression is a thief. It tells you you’ll never be happy again and that you’ve never been happy before.

It’s the loudest voice in your head and sounds just like you. It gets harder and harder to decipher who is who and what is what. If you hear something negative about yourself enough you’ll start to believe it. The truth is depression is like being in an abusive relationship with yourself, but you can’t leave yourself. It’s hard to look at the chaos your life becomes and not believe all the awful things your depression tells you.

The worst part is sometimes it tells the truth. Nobody’s perfect, but depression knows you better than you know yourself. It digs into your flaws and deepest insecurities and makes them true, makes them real.

Depression shows no compassion and gives no forgiveness.


A God I don’t believe in